Morale Boosting

Morale Boosting Services

Help For Heroes acts as a buffer between First Responders and the community they serve.

Through organizing and implementing positive events which bridge gaps between the public and all First Responders, the public is able to connect with the Humble Heroes protecting and serving them, while First Responders garner an opportunity to see and feel the lasting effects of their daily duty.

Programs already in in action are SPEED WALKERS; IRON SHARPENS IRON and LIFE WORTH LIVING a theatrical film spreading the message globally through cinema. Help For Heroes has established moral and community boosting events promoting the values of Law Enforcement and First Responder Care that shines light on the positive present service, while laying the foundation for an even brighter future.

We believe in opportunities for the community to show support for First Responders which in turn allows First Responders to re-integrate and better relate with all they encounter.